September 19, 2011

Life within...

If an egg is broken by an outside force, the life of the chick ends there.But only if an egg breaks from within, the chick can come out safely and successfully, alive, to begin its life.

If a cocoon of a Butterfly is cut open by any outside force, the Butterfly cannot survive or else it will end up with swollen body and shriveled wings which leads to death. But only if the Cocoon opens with inside force with patient and hard working, it can take the publicity as a beautiful Butterfly.

So, never allow any outside force to disturb or destroy you and your inner peace. Great things always begins from within.

What is Fear?

The nature of God, is nothing but pure Love. All negative emotions - anger, jealousy, blame, worry, disappointment, insecurity, anxiety, guilt, unworthiness, grief, depression, despair etc can be summed up as one word - fear. The real source of all problems is fear, which is lack of love - in other words lack of God. When your thoughts are full of God, your thoughts are full of Love, and your life is full of Love. This great feeling place in your mind is called Heaven. On the other hand. when your thoughts are full of fear, your life lacks God. This place in your mind where God does not exist is called Hell. Heaven and Hell are thus both places that you create in your mind by choosing to think thoughts that are either full of Love (God) or the lack of Love (Fear).

All fear is self created, and it is unwise to blame God for it. Fear is created when we choose, consciously or unconsciously to create unlike God. - i.e when we choose to think and act from a place where love is absent. When we are thinking and acting with Love, we are co-creating with God. The course goes on to say that only Love is real, everything else is unreal - in other words, an illusion of the mind. All problems occur when we stray away from our source, our God. All solutions come to us when we choose to connect back with Him. Fear is a bad dream that the ego creates to disconnect with God - fear is clearly not of God’s creation.

-Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

Feeling like a Victim?

Do you feel like a victim of your circumstances? Here are some common characteristics of a victim:
  • Victims believe they are helpless and that others in their life are villains.
  • Victims are ignorant of their responsibility in the circumstances that resulted in an undesirable outcome.
  • Victims do not acknowledge that if they handled things differently, the results would have been better.
  • Victims believe that they are not responsible for how they feel.
  • Victims do not see how they are misinterpreting a situation and making it worse.
  • Victims do not learn from a negative experience, but instead go deeper into fear.
  • Victims are stuck in the past and do not take action to create a better future.
  • Victims feel resentment and blame towards others.
  • Victims are not willing to trust and accept people they are resenting.
  • Victims feel powerless to create positive change.

Do take 100% responsibility for your life. Blaming others, giving excuses, or coming up with victim stories only keep you from getting what you want. Successful people practice asking “How did I create that situation?“, “What did I do or not do to have this outcome?”. When you blame others for setbacks, you become a powerless victim. Whatever the life situation, you always have the power of choice. While you cannot always control outside situations, you do have the power to change yourself and respond differently.

When you believe that you are a victim, by law of attraction, the universe will bring you more undesirable situations that weaken you further and strengthen the belief that you are indeed a victim. Only when you bring the focus towards self and start taking complete responsibility for your life experiences do you start to become the powerful creator of your life. In other words, taking complete responsibility moves you from being a victim towards becoming a victor.

-Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

Don't be a football

A young man and his old father were traveling to the nearby town with their donkey. On their way, they met some laborers. One of the laborers remarked “What fools these two are. In spite of having a donkey, they are both walking”. Hearing them, the old man asked his son to ride on the donkey.

In another 10 minutes, they passed a tea shop. The owner of the shop blurted out “Such an uncaring son - look at him making his father walk while he himself is comfortably sitting on the donkey." The son upon hearing this comment, got down from the donkey and asked his father to ride on it.

As they carried on their journey, they met a couple of men on the road. One of them remarked to the other “Look at the selfish old man riding on the donkey, while making the poor boy walk”. The father became very uncomfortable with the comment, and asked his son to also sit on the donkey.

Further along, they met a group of women washing clothes. One of the women said “How cruel these men are. Look at the poor donkey bearing the weight of two men. It would be better if these two people carried the donkey for a change”. Eager to please, the men found a bamboo stick, tied the donkey’s legs on it and carried the donkey on their shoulders.

As they passed over a bridge, they met a few children playing. Upon seeing the sight of the men carrying the donkey, the children bursted in laughter, and said “Haha - Look at these fools! Carrying the donkey on their shoulders!”. At this time the donkey got restless being carried upside down. The poor donkey jumped and fell down the bridge and died!

The moral of the story is that other people will always have an opinion about what you should do and not do. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. In trying to constantly yield to other people’s opinions, we give up our own best interests and become losers.

Here are some ways we seek approval, that Dr Wayne Dyer mentions in his book “Your erroneous zones”:
Changing a position, or altering what you believe because someone shows signs of disapproval.
Sugar coating a statement to avoid the reaction of displeasure.
Feeling depressed or anxious when someone disagrees with you.
Feeling insulted or put-down when someone states a contrary sentiment to your own.
Being excessively agreeable and head nodding, even when you don’t agree at all with what is being said.
Performing chores for someone and feeling resentful about not being able to say no.
Being intimated by a sharp salesperson and buying something you don’t want.
Saying things you don’t mean just to avoid being disliked.
Trying to impress others with your knowledge of something that you know nothing about by “faking it”
Begging for compliments by setting yourself up for approval, and then feeling bad when they don’t come.

Many wise men have spoken on about this need in us to seek approval from others, in their own way. (E.g.)
Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others.-Abraham Maslow
Do not be a football of other people’s opinions.-Sri Sri Ravishankar
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.-Bill Cosby

-Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan

This or that?

You cannot fly by thinking of falling on the ground.
You cannot swim by thinking of drowning.
You cannot save money by thinking about your expenses.
You cannot lose weight by thinking of eating high calorie foods.
You cannot create good health by thinking of getting sick.
You cannot be a topper in school by thinking of getting fail.

In the same way, you can never create a happy life by consistently thinking of things that are making you feel bad.  If you want to create a happy life, your thoughts need to be shifted from things that make you feel bad to the things that make you consistently feel good. You cannot make your life positive, by thinking all negatives.
So it is in your hands to make your life either happy or sad.

Attachment and Commitment ?

What is the difference between attachment and commitment? If I do not get attached, how can i have commitment? On the other hand, If I am committed, will I not get attached?

Attachment implies love mixed with selfishness. It is doing an act out of a selfish need. It is like agreeing to take care of a mango tree only because it will produce sweet fruits. If one season the tree does not produce fruit, attachment will cause you to stop taking care of the tree. 

Commitment on the other hand is having dedication to the cause undertaken. It is making the health of the tree more important than the fruits it produces. Thus, even if the tree does not give as many fruits during a particular season, your commitment to it will not let you abandon the tree.

Nothing is lost until you say it is.

Two frogs accidentally fell into a huge, tall bowl of cream that was kept in the floor of a restaurant. For a long time, the frogs tried helplessly jumping out of the bowl, however it was impossible for them to jump that high while swimming in the viscous, slippery cream.

Finally, the first frog said "I have tried enough. I have thought about the situation - there is no way out. We are going to die. I am going to stop struggling as it of no use. I suggest you give up too.” It gave up the struggle, became fully submerged in the cream, and soon died.

The second frog said "I cannot see a way out of this this moment. I am however going to attempt getting out until I exhaust the last ounce of energy in my body". The second frog kept on paddling and trying to jump out of the bowl of cream.

After a couple of hours, the cream started to solidify, and it became easier and easier for the frog to swim in it. The frog's continuos paddling was starting to churn the cream into butter!! With little more effort, the frog was able to jump out, while sitting on the butter that had now completely solidified!

1) Your future may not appear bright today. You may not be able to see the light in the end of your tunnel yet. Don't lose hope too soon. Things will change for the better.

2) Give up your anxiety, fear and worry, and stay positive. Put your 100% attention to the tasks that you have currently undertaken. Things will work itself out.

3) Do not listen to the people who ask you to give up on your dreams. Listen to your inner voice instead.

4) You may be very close to success and yet not know it. Don't give up.

5) Nothing is lost until you say it is.

-Inspirations by Sudhir Krishnan