August 26, 2011

Neither judge nor condemn

Imagine pure water bottled up in three transparent glass containers- a short red container, a medium blue container, and a long yellow container, all with different shapes. People who have no idea as to what is inside the bottle may refer to the contents as “short liquid”, “medium liquid”, “long liquid”, “red liquid”, “blue liquid”, “yellow liquid” etc. Due to their ignorance of the contents inside, they identify with the external qualities and develop either attachment or aversion to different types of containers depending on whether they like or dislike short bottles, medium size bottles, long bottles, red bottles, blue bottles, yellow bottles and different shapes.

On the other hand, a person who knows that the contents of what is inside all the bottles is pure water develops neither an attachment nor an aversion to either of the three bottles. If he is thirsty, he will open up any container and drink, as it contains the same pure water inside. He is not fooled by the container, as he knows that the contents of all the three containers are the same pure water in different external physical forms.

Just like the colored water bottles, people also come in different shapes, color, sizes, and temperaments. Most of us, who are ignorant of the divinity within each one of us, identify and judge others in terms of their shapes, colors, sizes, temperaments, religious views, nationality, and various other attributes. We develop attachment to some, and aversion to others, based on our own personal preferences and experiences.

Just like the colored water bottles, we should not judge or condemn or identify anyone by seeing the container, but should appreciate the contents inside. This self knowledge helps us to develop neither clinging attachment to some, nor deep aversion to others. Identified with the divinity within each one of us, we should be able to love everyone, irrespective of external differences.

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